Sunday, September 23, 2007

Summary of University Life

God, thank you for bring me through half of my first semester in university.

I like the fact that I get space for myself. Space which I seldom have in primary, secondary and junior college. Space for myself to think and ponder...

I like the fact that I don't have to feel bad when I am unable to make it for a CCA/Class event and make some friends unhappy because I often can't make it due to other commitments(eg church).

I like the fact that there is more freedom of choice. I can choose what I want to study and whether I want to join a CCA. So if I am too tired, I can don't join any CCA. Haha.

I like the food more as compared to primary, secondary and junior college.

I like the environment in university as compared to "violet jolly colours". It is more.. (sensitive issue.. better not be explicit on World Wide Web)

I like my cell leader in Campus Crusade. It is her sincerity that.. :)

I like the fact that I have made (less than 5) friends in university. Because it make me more independent. I, the bum, actually ATTEND LECTURES and DO TUTORIALS (except for 1 tutorial cos really no time)! ... ... but God, I am not a robot, I am exhausted.

Those who had been with me in JC will know how I skip lectures, don't do tutorials, and ask to copy their answers. I will either be sleeping in the library or in the treehouse. God, forgive me for my reluntance to die to my worldly ways. PLEASE KEEP ME STRAIGHT IN YOUR WAYS...

I like the fact that I have Fridays for driving and piano lessons. I like driving lessons cos I always talk my instructors. Haha. I like piano, relaxing man!

I am not going to say anything bad or what I don't like... In case, I complain too much.. hmmm.. once say maybe cannot stop.. haha

God, thank you for all you have done.
Lord, I was losing my confidence in you..

So thank you for reminding me..

Hebrews 10:35-36
"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised"