Saturday, November 17, 2007


Here to blog cos I feel that there's a need too.

I will start with: I have misplaced my wallet and hp for 3 times in 1 month already.but I have always by the grace of God gotten it back.

1. First, I was busy eating cookie and left my wallet on the seat in buona vista mrt. An unidentified lady return it to the officers. My wallet contained more $30 with member cards and transitlink card(bus and mrt concessions). Thank God for her.

2. I went to the toilet in NUS blk S16 and left my wallet and hp in the toilet. My wallet contained more than $20 and my hp is not cheap. A girl returned them to the security post. I got it back. The officer told me the girl's name was Xinyi. Thank God for Xinyi.

3. Just today after DG at Dora's place. I took a cab home with Minz. Minz, by the grace of God, notice the cab uncle's name TAN cHEE GUAN. I normally don't care about such things but thank god for the high C Minz. I left my hp on the cab. My hp is actually a Nokia N80, a 3G with WiFi (wireless internet access), video call, 2 cameras etc. I dropped it in the cab. The cab uncle returned it.
Thank God for high C Minz ( "chee guan, chee guan. might be pastor hee guan's brother" and both of us burst out laughing on the cab)

Thank God for the cab driver, Tan Chee Guan

Thank God for Pastor Hee Guan

I do not deserve owning what I own. I don't. I don't.
I know that I shouldn't continue to be like that. I normally very careless already but these days, it's even worse. Maybe my mind is not focus on what I am doing. I do feel like a dead corpse moving and going through the motions of life, without any interest in what's happening. Maybe there are a lot of things in my mind. Maybe. There's a need to change the way I do things.
Yes, I will change.

Phew! Thank God!